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Check Up Service

  • Check Up Service

    1 Week - Extra Small Dog
    • 7 Days Care
    • 2 x 45 minute check ups per day
    • 1 x Morning Feed
    • 1 x 30 minute walk
    • Price per Dog
  • Check Up Service

    1 Week - Small Dog
    • 7 Days Care
    • 2 x 45 min check ups per day
    • 1 x Morning Feed
    • 1 x 30 min walk
    • Price per Dog
  • Check Up Service

    1 Week - Medium Sized Dog
    • 7 Days Care
    • 2 x 45 min check ups per day
    • 1 x Morning Feed
    • 1 x 30 min walk
    • Price per Dog
  • Check Up Service

    1 Week - Large Dog
    • 7 Days Care
    • 2 x 45 min check up
    • 1 x Morning Feed
    • 1 x 30 min walk
    • Price per Dog
  • Check Up Service

    1 Week - Extra Large Dog
    • 7 Days Care
    • 2 x 45 min check up
    • 1 x Morning Feed
    • 1 x 30 min walk
    • Price per Dog
Package Deals: PaidPlans

Package Deals

Our Offers


Extra Small Dog Deal


Walk your dog 3 times a 7 day period booked with you to fit around your dog walking needs.


Small Dog Deal


Walk your dog 3 times a 7 day period booked with you to fit around your dog walking needs.


Medium Dog Deal


Walk your dog 3 times a 7 day period booked with you to fit around your dog walking needs.


Large Dog Deal


Walk your dog 3 times a 7 day period booked with you to fit around your dog walking needs.


Extra Large Dog Deal


Walk your dog 3 times a 7 day period booked with you to fit around your dog walking needs.


 XXLarge Dog Deal


Walk your dog 3 times a 7 day period booked with you to fit around your dog walking needs.

Package Deals: Price List
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